You must be very aware of when starting at such a young network marketing company, the risk that is will quickly closes again, very huge.
First Facts about CashText:
Second Fact: In network marketing it´s dosen´t matter whether you have a good product or not. The MAIN is to have some top leaders who understand the mechanisms of network marketing. I have seen several reputable companies with excellent products and an attractive compensations plan flopping horribly because you did not understand the importance of training and motivate their consultants in network marketing.
Whether you as a networker can have great success with cash text, depends on whether you are trained properly. Many have the mistaken impression of Network Marketer that you have to pitch family of friends. well you can end up chasing them away.
In my own business, I give all the attention to learn you how to market your company, and lead generation skills. It´s important to understand the actual mechanics of success before you have to concentrate selling your product´s. The reason is... no matter how many times you hear companies say it... product does not sell itself. Even if it´s a product everyone uses